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Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And 'Friends' Offline

Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

Nearly a third of adolescent girls have met people offline after online friends, according to a new study. In many cases, the identity of this online character was not fully confirmed before teenagers set a meet-up in real life.  
Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

In addition, 10 people suffered some form of exploitation - from sexual advances to rape scary - during the online interaction.  
Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

The study, published today (14 January) in the journal Pediatrics, examined adolescents, half of them had been abused in some way in real life. Those who have suffered abuse or neglect are more likely to engage in behaviors online "high risk" as having profiles on social networking spicy or accepting sexual advances online. Risky behavior, in turn, was related to the collection of the Internet "friends" offline.  
Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

But because the study included a large number of youth at risk, some experts doubt these figures are for the general population.  
Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

Teens can first meet a friend, a friend online and face to face after are only foreigners are a different story, said Parry NAFTA, a lawyer for privacy on the Internet directed. [Teen Angst: 10 facts about adolescent brain]  

Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

"Some foreigners right? Absolutely not. Do not just see that bad. Children have become very sophisticated on this issue, "said NAFTA.  

Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

Janis Oak, high crimes Research Centre researcher against children, agreed. In general population surveys, Oak found that few adolescents with strangers online in person. And from this subset, so few are sexually assaulted scientists can not draw statistically significant, he said.  

Mostly Harmless  
Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

Since the days of AOL chat rooms, parents were concerned that attract predators teenagers outside dangerous online meetings.  

While this may be the rise of the Internet has coincided with a sharp decline in child sexual abuse, suggesting that the online exploitation is not a big problem, Oak Live Science.  

However, victims of abuse may have trouble setting limits or detect improper or inappropriate practices, Oak said. This could spill over into online interactions, said.  

vulnerable adolescents  
Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

Jennie Noll, professor of psychology at Children's Hospital of Cincinnati, was the study of abused teenagers when they began to notice their online profiles are very different.  

"They are more likely than other children, after brusque pictures of themselves or sexual expression," Noll told Live Science.  
Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

To test the observation, she and her colleagues studied 130 years of girls 14 to 17 who had seen the Child Protective Services abuse and physical and sexual neglect, and 125 demographically similar youth without a history of violence. The girls answered questions about online behavior. A year later, Noll asked how many girls had met an internet friend offline.  
Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

Thirty percent of girls (both abused and non) reported an in-person meeting with someone they met online. Approximately 10 percent of girls had something negative - often sordid sexual advances or intimidation during the follow-up meeting. Only a breach of treatment took place following online meetings, Noll said.  

According to his anecdotal experience, adolescent victims of violence were more likely than non-abused adolescents report having profiles or spicy social media align sexual advances from strangers - behaviors have been linked separately to foreign offline.  

Risk Mitigation  
Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

Although the results are troubling, the team also found that high-quality parental relationships and open communication can reduce the risk of adolescents met online friends in the real world. Previous research has found parents are unaware of what their teens are doing online, with 70 percent of teens hide some of their online behavior of parents, including access to pornography or violent music content online or movie piracy online.  

In the new study, scientists have discovered that blocking software the Internet has no effect on risk behavior in real life.  

Yet it is important that parents do not care too much online predators as the main culprits are parents, knowledge of knowledge in the things of life of children and family friends, Oak said.  

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Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

Teen Online Activity : Nearly A Third Of Teenage Girls Have Met Online Chat With Girls And  'Friends' Offline

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