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How To Love After a Divorce

Dating Girl - How To Love After a Divorce 

Dating Girl - How To Love After a Divorce

Divorced at a young age is a traumatic experience, but you can always start over and find love again. 

Recently, playback singer Sunfish Chatham announced its commitment to the composer Whites Sonic after dating for two years. The 28-year-old says she is eager to marry and start a new life with her boyfriend. This, however, is not the first time Sunfish was down the hall. Deeply in love and dedicated, he married his first love Bobby Khan at the age of 18 personalities and conflicting expectations soon felt unbalanced and the marriage did not last more than a year. Sunfish took 10 years to live life on their own terms and remain optimistic about love to find Whites. 

It hurts 
Dating Girl - How To Love After a Divorce

The end of a marriage at any age is traumatic, but can be extremely painful if the couple is not attenuated by the relationships and maturity. Intoxicating rush of love that seems eaters have the power to influence young people in their teens and early C's by making commitments for life. When the consequences are made, it is often too late and the gap is irreversible. At the end of this relationship, people are too marked to give their lives for love another chance and spend years trying to overcome the emotional turmoil of his decision. 

Do not rush 
Dating Girl - How To Love After a Divorce

For 28 year-old entrepreneur Tara Kasha, love marriage is a fairytale concept that bought at the age of 19. Married young, she braved the concerns of their parents to take a dip soon realized I was not prepared to. "My ex was 11 years older than me. At that time, the choices we went to marry or break. At 19, the choice was a call to break a lot harder to do to get married. We were in love Y is set to the correct settings. - a good education, labor law, that works, "she said," but I knew I did not want when I arrived was not the life that he wanted to "Their differences .. took a toll on the relationship and two separate in three years. 

According to clinical psychologist Markham Chula, the biggest mistake by marrying young is to assume that will last forever and focus on superficial reasons. She said: "This is not your hobbies that must match, but their attitudes" For Kasha, Fairytale execution is flawed was hard to accept. "At this age, you do not have the knowledge and experience. how labor relations in the real world. Everything was very disappointing. My biggest fear was that I would never be able to feel this "in love" again, "she said. "Those who seek to early marriage should keep love and lust at bay and reach a value of the checklist," says Chula. 

Know you better 
Dating Girl - How To Love After a Divorce

It is always easier to make it work with someone who is similar. Try to analyze the nature and temperament of your partner and try them in different social situations, and their parents, friends, etc. See how to rise to the occasion rather than simply responding romantic dinners. Recognizing that the relationship is not working is a difficult call to make. And when the couple in love is young, it is often a debilitating experience. "At the insistence of my family, I tried to go back and fix things once or twice, but I knew it would not work. It was not a bad guy, just wrong," said Kasha . Post-separation trauma is often accompanied by social stigma that people always associated with divorce. Chula said, this transition period is essential to consolidate with yourself. Take the time to understand you better and let yourself heal. "The most common mistake that people make is to generalize the situation and say that all men are idiots or all women are throbbing. Learn how to access their contribution to the marriage breakdown. But do not forget to attributed to his error of judgment and ingenuity, "she said. 

A new start 
Dating Girl - How To Love After a Divorce

For Kasha, the transition was made easier when he moved to Mumbai to start over. "While it was initially very traumatic never renounced love. I came to the optimistic city. Soon, I found a friend in Sail over two years became my best friend. I knew my story and never be intimidated by it. We got married a month ago and I could not be happier, "Tara said. 

According Chula, it is essential to test and mating season. Put it through the test of time and see how it pans. The danger of falling in love is often that people are in denial about what caused the first relationship outside and tend to make the same mistake, falling into the same kind of personality again without makeup. She said: "It is very important to self evaluate and be sure of what you want in a partner Being vague about what is often what makes most relationships occurring Learn to handle your luggage intelligently rather than drown each .. relationship below. "

Dating Girl - How To Love After a Divorce

Dating Girl - How To Love After a Divorce

Dating Girl - How To Love After a Divorce

Dating Girl - How To Love After a Divorce

Dating Girl - How To Love After a Divorce

Dating Girl - How To Love After a Divorce

Dating Girl - How To Love After a Divorce

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